Hello, anyone who stumbles here, on this page either intentionally or accidentally. Both are good options. I will introduce here in a few brief brushes myself and what i do.
I am a computer science bachelor, a programmer and an artificial intelligence researcher in my primary life quest. Also I am a self-taught hobby artist and science-enthusiast. To become an artist for a time being, i had to decide at one point in my life to quit my first technical university studies (at power science and electro-engineering faculty after nearly 3 years of study). I did so in order to create from A to Z 3D-animated short film, going all by myself through all development stages. Which i did, film was done. "Alien Rocker" - a naïve, little bit daring animated musical cosmos rock'n'roll with an emphasize on a character animation.
An interest and curiosity for computer graphics as a storytelling art form and computers as incredible hardware artifacts and computing in general started to show around school times when I got my first NES, than Sega Genesis, and finally Playstation One (PSX) era's gaming experience and computer graphics of 1990's. Computer graphic's mathematical background also helped foster and hook my interest into computer graphics and as a consequence - the art in general.
In past I managed to work in commercial environment, in a team of artists and programmers for 4 years as a 3D computer graphics/animation technical artist.